So I’m back with the blog, finally. New year started with nice news, I got a call at end of December that there would be a new interesting project starting at my former employer, so I rejoined the team and have been quite busy on that since then. I’ve tried to save sundays for myself, but otherwise it’s been 10-12hrs a day and 6 days a week… But it’s fun! Nothing beats a good design challenge and tight schedules (Well, actually I can think of few things that beat those 😉
Other new year events included a bit of downtime for this site as my operator physically moved their servers to another town and different network. Also during that downtime something broke between my home ADSL connection and the site, http traffic was extremely slow. First I thought it was just temporary glitch somewhere but after few days of not being able to use this site at all, I had to contact the support and try to figure out what has happened. Well, as it turned out, problem was not the site, everything worked flawlessly from any other network, but not from my home LAN. Today I finally got into the matter and tried to track down the problem. It appeared that when I was behind my routers NAT, this site wouldn’t load, but with bridged connection, everything worked as a charm. I’m still a bit puzzled as I was quite sure this would turn out to be a NAT problem, but changing my home network addresses didn’t actually solve it either. There’s nothing I’ve changed during past weeks, so this ”feature” was introduced with the operators network and server upgrade. And also this was only site I found to be acting slow, so was the router somehow cracked or was this just a firmware bug that appeared on these special conditions – I don’t know yet. Anyway, changed ADSL router to another one and now everything seems to be ok. Damn these weird issues.
Other than that, it’s very winterish winter here again. This is now second year in row when we have plenty of snow – just like it was when I was a child. It’s been snowing and snowing and I think there’s roughly 60-70cm of snow now and that’s very good for winter sports. I managed to wax my skis few weeks back and I’ve now done ~8km trips at least twice a week. I also have a pair of special skis for unbeaten snow, tried those out today after few years break and it’s even better than going round the same track all over again. I can now boldly go where no one has gone before 🙂
Anyway, enough for the update now, I’ll try to come up something more interesting in next weeks.