So it’s been now about two years since I got my Jolla phone, first impressions were on this post and here’s what I think of it now.
I was actually forced to buy a second phone after I dropped my first Jolla to concrete enough times to break the display (or some soldering joint related to display). Spare parts are currently unavailable so it was easy decision to get a new phone.
Restoring a new phone from a backup was a breeze, so I had a new phone running in just few hours after the accident as a local store had still some Jolla phones in stock.
It’s best phone I’ve had in ages, the OS is very smooth, I can find all the apps I need (some for android), battery life is very good since some of the initial software updates (I get constantly 3-4 days with a charge including daily GPS logging). In same use my Sony Xperia Active survived barely for two days.
Camera is actually much better than I initially thought, even low light conditions yield decent pictures. Android runtime is now very stable with the latest updates, I haven’t seen an app crash in ages.
So most of all, it’s very usable and user-friendly. It does everything I need it to do – and it does it well.
I also pre-ordered the Jolla Tablet and it’s been now in use for about a month.
It’s a nice looking piece of hardware, but the feel from software point of view is similar than what it was after initial release of Jolla phone. App selection is still very limited and there are some issues (mainly with battery life) with the tablet OS. I’m sure it will be improved after few months as the devices become more common and more software will be ported to Intel architecture.
But somehow I waited it to be more optimized and finalized as the OS itself has been in development for such a long time, even it was a new 2.0 release for the tablet. Also camera is not as good as what is in the phone, I wonder why they didn’t use the same proven module…
Jolla was also hitting a rough time with financing, but according to latest blog entry the financing issues are now cleared and sailors are on safer waters once again. With the current mobile market there is definite need for such a platform – and I’m sure they’ll find the target audience easily.
I’d still like to see a store for commercial Sailfish applications. I don’t mind using free software, but also I’d like to pay the apps I find good enough. It can be now handled with flattr (or direct donations to devs) but it would be smoother to just buy the app directly from store. It could also encourage more developers to join the movement.
Aihearkisto: Uncategorized
Jolla: Initial thoughts
So I did something I wouldn’t usually do. I bought an expensive smartphone – which I supposed would be quite unfinished and might even remain as marginal toy without ever gaining actual user-base or larger software support… I must be out of my mind? See Jolla official site for what it is!
The why part is simple. I’ve used IOS on Ipad for long time and I like it for that. Still with the polished user experience and very good selection of applications, I’m not sure I’d need it on my phone. There just is nothing in there that says I must have it with me everywhere. It’s well optimized and it has all the apps one can need (and more) – but still… Then there’s Android, I’ve used Sony Xperia Active for a year now – without rooting it – and outcome is that it was most likely the first and last Android phone for me. Mainly because of the bugs in the OS that no one will ever address and fix. Also with non-rooted phone, I’ve run low on ”system” flash, so I cannot update my apps anymore and also cannot move most of them (bundled software) to external SD card or even remove the parts I don’t need to make more room… Rooting would be the key and I guess I’ll try it now as I have new phone for everyday use.
Last option was a Windows phone. I’ve tried WP7 and Wp7.5 and even WP8 at the local shop, initially it seemed ok, but after trying it for longer term, it became clear that I don’t want that either.
So to get something that could offer something new (even new bugs!) I pre-ordered Jolla last spring. I got it a bit over two weeks ago, so I’ts been on daily use since then and I’ve discovered some bugs and annoyances, enough to judge that I can use this.
First up, everything just worked from the box. Jolla store seemed busy and some apps didn’t install on the first try, but eventually I got all the offered software pieces in place. It was more finished product than what I had hoped for, so this was very positive experience. OS is very smooth to use with the swipe gestures – I like it a lot and have already been trying to use my other devices with the gestures… Add a voice control and this will be perfect!
For Andoid software support they have chosen a very buggy store (Yandex), so getting that up and running required PC (phone browser most likely would’ve worked just fine too) to set up the account. Not big deal, took a while to figure out the reason why captchas won’t work in the account creation. Based on comments I’ve seen it is because the store application has trouble detecting connections. Jollas framework seems to work in that sense, so any other android app that required internet connection seemed to work. Luckily there are other markets that you can use, even google play can be hacked to work. I’ve settled now with 1 Mobile Market, which fulfills my app needs nicely.
Basic set of apps are available from Jolla, rest of the needed ones can be downloaded from Android market. The framework is a bit buggy, I’ve managed to crash it couple of times and it seems it’s not clearly repeatable. But mainly it works. If I’d need constantly some andoid apps this would perhaps annoy me more, now it just means that some software doesn’t always load. I’ve so far used Skype, Facebook, Opera browsers, Spotify and Endomondo from andoid apps. Also some other, but those are the ones I’ve used and need most frequently. Endomondo was the most critical for me as it’s my cyclometer nowadays.
Camera is very basic 8MP mobile kit. The camera software will need some care and optics seem to be perhaps cheaper than usual. In use this seems like the early generation digital cameras, white balance handling is very poor and lights blind the camera easily. But I didn’t buy this for camera. It’s ok for occasional shots and documentation – which covers my needs from cellphone camera. Tried shooting some live performance and audio doesn’t convince either. There is way too much of audible compression artifacts in the recording – sounded pretty much same than my android phone, but this can withstand higher SPL without distorting.
I made a sample gallery to my Picasa albums, see for yourself. It’s decent mobile camera at best. They claimed that on last software update there was some updates to camera software on low light conditions, I haven’t tried it yet to see if there is any difference.
There are some annoyances also. Clipboard doesn’t work from the browser and I think this is major – I cannot select text from the web page to use it elsewhere (say phone number from web page or text paste from browser to SMS) and that is very silly. I really hope they’ll address this soon. Android apps have working clipboard, but that is not shared with Jolla native apps. There were some other issues – including exchange sync with non-trusted certificate – but most of them seem to be solved with the two software updates they’ve rolled out this year.
There’s also been some news about the battery performance it seems that in airplane mode the phone drains battery very fast compared to another phones on the market. I haven’t tried it yet but in a daily use, it’s about the same level than what I got from my android phone. Proven this has much better and larger display I think it’s on very acceptable level. In heavy use it will be charge daily, but on weekend I can go two days on a charge.
Other half concept is very interesting. At the moment the customization options seem a bit limited, but once the OS framework is more complete (more options to tune) and as there is also electrical bus (I2C) available to back cover so all kinds of functionality can be implemented in it… When I just have more free time!
Overall this is a now a working smartphone with most needed features in place (browser, email, sms, and a phone!). It does not give you a perfect user experience (yet, I doubt any of the platforms do) app support is a bit limited but with help of the android framework, I think most required apps can be installed. And there are and will be some bugs and non-working software pieces at the moment. So if you want everything working right now, do not buy your Jolla yet [and for that matter, I could suggest staying away from any smartphone!]. Anyway even with the small flaws this shows a great potential. With some small feature implementations and bug fixes (which both seem to arrive at very quick pace!) and more added native software, this could be a great challenger in the market. I hope the company, phone and the OS will survive as there is a real need for good alternative mobile OS, this could very well be it.
Some Jolla specific links:
Official site
Collaboration platform
Sailfish OS
Jolla tides
Jolla users
Native software for Sailfish:
Jollasuomi – Finnish forum
WLAN Hotspot UI for Jolla – Much requested UI for wifi hotspot. Very nice work!
WLAN Hotspot UI for Jolla #2 – Another one with perhaps more complete feature set by . Perfect!
Cutespotify – Native spotify client for SailfishOS and Ubuntu touch. Good stuff keeps on coming!
Updated for software links…
New year news
So I’m back with the blog, finally. New year started with nice news, I got a call at end of December that there would be a new interesting project starting at my former employer, so I rejoined the team and have been quite busy on that since then. I’ve tried to save sundays for myself, but otherwise it’s been 10-12hrs a day and 6 days a week… But it’s fun! Nothing beats a good design challenge and tight schedules (Well, actually I can think of few things that beat those 😉
Other new year events included a bit of downtime for this site as my operator physically moved their servers to another town and different network. Also during that downtime something broke between my home ADSL connection and the site, http traffic was extremely slow. First I thought it was just temporary glitch somewhere but after few days of not being able to use this site at all, I had to contact the support and try to figure out what has happened. Well, as it turned out, problem was not the site, everything worked flawlessly from any other network, but not from my home LAN. Today I finally got into the matter and tried to track down the problem. It appeared that when I was behind my routers NAT, this site wouldn’t load, but with bridged connection, everything worked as a charm. I’m still a bit puzzled as I was quite sure this would turn out to be a NAT problem, but changing my home network addresses didn’t actually solve it either. There’s nothing I’ve changed during past weeks, so this ”feature” was introduced with the operators network and server upgrade. And also this was only site I found to be acting slow, so was the router somehow cracked or was this just a firmware bug that appeared on these special conditions – I don’t know yet. Anyway, changed ADSL router to another one and now everything seems to be ok. Damn these weird issues.
Other than that, it’s very winterish winter here again. This is now second year in row when we have plenty of snow – just like it was when I was a child. It’s been snowing and snowing and I think there’s roughly 60-70cm of snow now and that’s very good for winter sports. I managed to wax my skis few weeks back and I’ve now done ~8km trips at least twice a week. I also have a pair of special skis for unbeaten snow, tried those out today after few years break and it’s even better than going round the same track all over again. I can now boldly go where no one has gone before 🙂
Anyway, enough for the update now, I’ll try to come up something more interesting in next weeks.
Merry Christmas!
For all of you – have a merry christmas and happy new year 2011!
First snow – 2010
A tad late posting because I was replacing HDD to my main computer and didn’t download photos from my camera until now.
Anyway we were visiting my parents in Karvia last weekend (23.10). There was no sign of snow when we arrived there Friday and when I woke up saturday morning, almost couldn’t believe my eyes, there was ~15cm of snow!
And my niece Elina got on to creating her very first snowman.